My CIP was as a English teaching assistant at Ohara Gakuin, a 1st-9th grade regional school just outside of Kyoto in the sleepy town of Ohara. I assisted the English teachers there along with my fellow KCJS student Sebastian as an English conversation partner with the students, as well as assisting in class lessons by providing a native perspective and native fluency. Ohara is a beautiful little town located in the northern mountains behind Kyoto, and every time I took the bus up there each week, I was astounded once again without fail of its natural beauty. The students there were very kind, and were very patient with my not-yet-fluent Japanese skills, and I ended up making a few connections that, I think, will be important memories for these students as they grow up– reminding them that there are friends and connections to be made with people regardless of their home country, language, appearance, et cetera. To incoming students, I would say that while you’re in Japan, try and engross yourself at least in some way in the everyday lives of Japanese people. Try to get outside of the 留学生 bubble at least a little bit, and immerse yourself, even if it’s hard, as putting yourself in something like a school setting, or a workplace setting, really helps you gain some valuable and unique cultural perspective on the everyday culture and activities of real Japanese people.