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Housing and Finances


Students in the 2024 KCJS Summer Programs in Modern and Classical Japanese have four housing options: homestay, resident hall, and shared house or you can arrange your own apartment.
Please note that homestay, resident hall, and a shared house are limited in number, so it is not guaranteed that your preferences will be accommodated. You should have a backup plan ready.

All housing is off campus, so you will commute to Doshisha University via public transportation or on foot depending upon the location of your lodging. You will be responsible for your own transportation expenses.

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Homestays include a private room for the KCJS Summer Programs student, who is provided with both breakfast and dinner. The KCJS Summer Programs students are responsible for lunches.

KCJS homestay families vary widely in location, family composition, and their experience with foreign students, so you should be prepared to accept the particular situation of the family to whom you are assigned.

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Resident Hall

The resident halls are located throughout Kyoto, provide easy access to public transportation and are approximately a 30-40 minute commute to KCJS.


Students will be placed in single rooms with a bathroom/shower and basic furnishings including a desk/chair, refrigerator, microwave, WiFi, etc. Washing machines may be located in the student’s room or in the building. Each building has resident hall managers (a Japanese couple) who live in the resident hall and provide support to students.


Japanese students also live in the resident hall, providing an opportunity to interact with locals attending nearby universities. There are male, female and co-ed resident hall options.

Breakfast and dinner are provided Monday-Saturday, and students are responsible for lunch daily. The resident hall menus may have limited vegetarian options. Students must provide advance notice if they choose to not eat meals in the resident hall on certain days.


Photos by courtesy of Dormy

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Shared House

KCJS offers a shared house option for a limited number of students.

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Making Your Own Arrangements for Housing

If you prefer, you are welcome to make your own arrangements for housing. Former students have used both Kyoto Apartment <http://www.kyoto-apartment.com> and J-Stay <http://j-stay.jp/index.php> for independent housing arrangements. Kyoto Apartment offers both apartments and guest houses, while J-Stay offers only guest and shared houses. English services are available at both agencies. Please note that KCJS is not associated with these agencies and assumes no responsibility for problems resulting from your contract. Please consider carefully whether entering into an independent contract without the support of KCJS is in your best interest.

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Fees for Modern Japanese

For the tuition and fees for 2022, please see the cost breakdown provided by Columbia University’s Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement.

For the latest information, please see the website of Columbia University Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement at https://global.undergrad.columbia.edu/program/kyoto-consortium-summer-modern-japanese-kcjs.

Tuition and fees are subject to approval by The Trustees of Columbia University and may change.

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Fees for Classical Japanese

For the tuition and fees for 2022, please see the cost breakdown provided by Columbia University’s Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement.

For the latest information, please see the website of Columbia University Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement at https://global.undergrad.columbia.edu/program/kyoto-consortium-summer-classical-japanese-kcjs.

Tuition and fees are subject to approval by The Trustees of Columbia University and may change.

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Financial Aid and Funding

There are many funding options available to support your summer studies, so you are encouraged to check with your major department, study abroad office, and scholarship office at your home institution regarding the availability of financial aid. For more information about financial aid and funding, please see the following sites.

Modern Japanese: https://global.undergrad.columbia.edu/program/kyoto-consortium-summer-modern-japanese-kcjs (Click on “Financial Considerations” > “Financial Aid and Scholarships”)

Classical Japanese: https://global.undergrad.columbia.edu/program/kyoto-consortium-summer-classical-japanese-kcjs (Click on “Financial Considerations” > “Financial Aid and Scholarships”)

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KCJS Academic Year/
Semester Programs


Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement

606 Kent Hall
Columbia University
1140 Amsterdam, Mail Code 3948
New York, NY 10027 USA
Tel: 212-854-2559
Fax: 212-854-5164
Email: uge@columbia.edu

Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies 京都アメリカ大学コンソーシアム

Doshisha University, 2F Fusokan
Karasuma Higashi-iru, Imadegawa-dori
Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-8580 JAPAN

同志社大学 扶桑館2F

Tel: 075-251-4995
Tel: (+81-75-251-4995)
Fax: 075-229-6300
Fax: (+81-75-229-6300)
Email: fs2244@columbia.edu