Ayub Nur: Shamisen

This fall, my CIP was learning the shamisen. The Shamisen is a traditional Japanese stringed instrument: it’s almost built like a banjo and you’ll quite often see it in the hands of a Geisha.

I was lucky enough to learn under Iwasaki Chieko-sensei and Iwasaki Yumi-sensei, who are both in the attached video. Though I just as much have to thank the many others at the company who taught me too. By the time I was ready to perform, it felt much more like I joined a family than just a music group.

My greatest piece of advice that I can offer is, if you’re interested in playing traditional Japanese music, do so with Iwasaki-sensei and tell everyone I said hi. Jokes aside, the learning curve of always speaking a new language is harsh and I’m grateful that I could lean on playing music all throughout the semester. More than just that, I’m glad that I had a final performance that I was building up towards to make sure that I came to practice whether I was feeling able or not. Coming in every week is what truly made my Japanese and music better. The genuine best advice I can offer is, studying abroad is draining so have a project that you can feel your progress in to keep your spirits high.