Jaime Guzman : Aikido

For my CIP, I practiced aikido at aikidokyoto located a few blocks away from Senbon dori and Imadegawa. From learning how to fall and do shikko to having instructions taught to me in a strange blend of Japanese and English, the experience for me was a fun and interesting one. Although I’ve only been able to practice for a short amount of time, I felt like I’ve learned a lot from both of the sensei, and of course was always looking forward to eating McDonald’s after practice on Tuesday. But in all seriousness, I have very little regrets about my decision to try out aikido. The 45 minute walk to and from the dojo may have felt long some days and the lack of interaction between the other students and me outside of lessons were probably not ideal but that did not take away from my experience at all.

Taking aikido at an actual dojo, in Japan, made me get a better glimpse at what practicing martial arts in a more official setting, and not a college setting, is like. For example, when I did karate back at Amherst, we had to use the gymnasium and did not have an official dojo so we never had to do anything like bowing to the dojo when entering or getting on the mats. We also rarely had to sit in seiza, the only times were when we were late and had to wait for the sensei’s permission to join the class or during promotion, however at this aikido dojo we it felt as if half of our time was spent in this position. When we are waiting for the sensei to start class, when we are bowing to the sensei, when we are observing a new technique before practicing it ourselves, and even for when we do certain techniques, we are required to sit in seiza. At the beginning of the class, my foot would usually feel an unbearable pain but as the class goes on sitting in seiza became a little bit easier. Of course when I walk the 2 miles back to my apartment, I am still able to feel the pain in my ankles but after a certain amount of classes even that became enjoyable and part of the aikido experience.

One main thing I noticed in my aikido class is that when there is a new student that has only been there for about 2 months or so, they’d always pair them up with a much more experience senpai wearing a hakama. For the first few classes, I was rotated among the same senpai until they were certain that I could do the majority of the basic moves before having me actually allowing me to learn techniques. When I did practice techniques it was usually with the same people until recently and I noticed that each senpai have their own way of showing techniques. Some are a lot stricter and forceful while others go through it slowly and walk me through every move. It’s interesting practicing with different people because some of them are fluent in English, some are native French speaker who sometimes try to talk to me in English and Japanese and others only speak Japanese. However the chance to speak in Japanese for me is very limited because I rarely get to speak to anyone after class and when I have it was for asking how to get my gi or a receipt and the person I asked always responded in English.

I’m very grateful for my time at the dojo however I feel as if I have not really been able to fully integrate into the dojo community. I walk there, practice, and then walk like many other people do. On Thursday, there’s always another class following mine and on Tuesday, after we clean, everyone is quick to zoom out of there. I may not be able to talk much with anyone there but at least I’ve learned a lot about aikido and some vocabulary for the parts of the body that I never actually remembered before.

Tyler Bartels: English Assistant, Soccer Circle

Going into English teaching I had the mindset of learning about the education system, interaction with teachers and students, and preparing for potentially participating in the JET Program (Japan Exchange Teaching). What I soon discovered was I learned much more about Japanese social interaction by interacting with the 7th graders, whose class I was an assistant in. Every week I would go for almost 2 hours and assist in either 1 or 2 classes, allowing me to build a rapport with the students.

I ran into to two types of experiences with the kids. First, the shy kids were hesitant to even look me in the eye. Second, the outgoing kids had no boundaries when asking me questions. I was fascinated that these two extremes existed within the classroom. I had always assumed the Japanese school system was strict and disciplined, leading me to believe that the children I would encounter would fit that image. I found that the teachers and children actually joked around and in talking with the teacher discovered her genuine affinity for the classes. She would describe one class as the “bad boys,” another as having the “shy girls,” and in one case even joked at one girl being as loud as the boys. The point being, I was sorely mistaken on what the schooling system. That being said I was in a public school and can’t speak for the private school system. Regardless, I enjoyed my time with the kids and got a good laugh when they wanted to know if I had kissed my girlfriend before or not.

My second CIP was a Kyodai soccer circle. When I came to Japan the one thing I new for certain that I wanted to do, was play sports with the Japanese. I knew the language barrier would be an issue when trying to forge friendships with other Japanese students. Team sports offer another language with which to communicate, that is almost universal. Whether or not I was able to communicate well in Japanese, after each game we played there was a general atmosphere of closeness. What I found even more fascinating was attending a practice in which the freshmen were present. These freshmen had yet to even attend a day of school, but there ambition to meet new people, and openness to foreigners was shocking as well. Upon finishing practice the freshmen asked me to go to the hot baths after with them, we proceeded to all grab dinner after, and then walked part way home after the last bus had already gone. I can’t say this is the same for other circles, but the most outgoing and open people I have met in Japan have been in these sports circles, whether it be one of 3 soccer circles or 2 basketball circles I’m in.

Katherine Nachbar: Niko Niko Tomato

For my CIP, I have been volunteering at にこにこトマト where I interact and play with children that are patients at Kyodai Hospital. There are different activities almost every day of the week for them. So, for example, one day will be music themed where the children get drums and bells and play along to music, while on a another day, they will paint boxes.

The kids were shy initially, but once you started talking to them, they became animated and talkative. One time, I asked a little girl if she could play piano, and she started playing “Let it Go” from memory, over and over again. Her friends joined in and we all sang along. We also played hand clapping games. They showed me a game that seemed complicated at first, but it turned out it was a hand clapping game to the tune of “Yankee Doodle.” My friend, Kate, who also volunteers there, told me that this was a popular game in America as well. I discovered that the games young children play and the things they do for fun in Japan are very similar to what I did growing up.

I have enjoyed volunteering at にこにこトマト. Everyone has been very warm and welcoming. I found that it was a great place not only for the children to make friends with the other children in the hospital, but also for the parents to form a support system. Not only did the children seem to be close, but the parents seemed to have formed bonds as well. It was gratifying to see such a caring community.





このミーティングはすごく楽しかったと思います。さすがに、英語だけ話すという事実のおかげで、本当の性格が表れやすいと思います。将来、たぶんKLEXON の友達ができるでしょう。


私のCIPはバンド活動である。サムずさんと他二人の日本人と一緒に毎週一時間練習をしようとしている。練習の場所はStudio246という大宮駅の近くにあるスタジオである。サムずさんがボーカリストで、まこさんがドラムをたたいて、しょうこさんがベースを弾いて、私がキーボードを弾いている。みんな女性だから、バンドの名前はガールバンドパワー(GBP) にするかもしれない。コンサートは4月17日にStudio246の舞台でするつもりで、これから詳細を決める。コンサートのために今みんな一緒に新しい曲を作っている。その曲以外は、サムずさんが作った曲を二つ、日本の曲を一つ、アメリカの曲を1つ演奏したいと思う。コンサートのさらしを今作っているところだ。





ケイト・モンコヴィッチ: 京都文教中学高校英語アシスタント



私は英語アシスタントだから、英語をよく使います。これからもっと日本語を使いたいです。 でも、日本語をあまり使わなくても、いい経験になると思います。


今学期は CIP として同志社の史跡同好会に参加しています。史跡同好会は京都の史跡を観光し たりするサークルです。史跡に行く前に勉強会で史跡についての歴史や文化を勉強して話し会 います。普通の活動の他に、年に五回くらいの合宿があるそうです。今度は温泉に行く予定 です。

実は、私は史跡同好会に入ったばかりなので、まだ分からないことが沢山あります。勉強会が あるから、入る前には真面目なイメージを持っていましたが、雰囲気はとてもカジュアルでし た。また、今まで私が会った他の会員は殆ど男性で、日本人の男性のお互いに対する話 し方について色々なことに気づきました。これから CIP で頑張りたいと思います!





私は通年の学生なので、CIPとして秋学期と同様合気道をしています。先学期たいてい毎週月曜日か木曜日の夕方に稽古に行っていました。でも、今学期午後の時間がフリーにしたかったから、朝練に行くことにしています。稽古は月曜日と水曜日の午前7時から8時までですから学校のスケジュールと合ってはちょうどいいです。でも、道場はホストファミリーの 家からちょっと遠いので5時半までに起きなくてはいけません。

時間が全然違うのは別として、朝練と夕方の練習はだいたい同じです。先生と他の弟子とか練習技は 同じです。でも、朝練は夕方より気持ち良いから、5時半に起きなくてはいけなくても楽しく行っています。